

The following text resources were used while preparing the project:

  • Goetz, Samuel, I Never Saw my Face. Danbury, CT: Rutledge Books, 2001.
  • Ankori, Zvi, The Chestnuts of Yesteryear. A Jewish Oddysey. Jerusalem & New York: Gafen Publishing House Ltd., 2003. 
  • Arnold, Ann S., Together - a Journey for Survival.  Miami, Fl: Avalerionbooks, 2016
  • Goldman, Blanka, Personal Testimony (Unpublished handwritten document shared by Ann Drillich, Blanka's daughter)
  • Pomeranz, Ignatz, Personal Recollections (Unpublished handwritten document shared by the author)

The following video recordings were used for the project:
  • Goetz, Sam, Testimony of a Holocaust Survivor.  [online] (used thanks to the courtesy of the 1939 Society, US) 
Videos recorded especially for our project:

The following photos were used thanks to the courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, USA

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